We are 17 years into the 21st century and the waves of change keep coming, huge and powerful. We have to ride them, or drown in uncertainty. As managers and mentors we need to lead by example to show other people how to develop and manage careers. Technological, economic, environmental, political, and social […]
Graduate Mentoring – When the honeymoon is over
When new employees join your organisation they are enthusiastic, keen to engage and looking forward to developing their career with you. The honeymoon period lasts six months. Graduates, having survived a rigorous recruitment and selection process, welcomed with “on-boarding” attention and often supported with a Graduate Program of development activities and mentoring, […]
Culture Starts With You
When I was a small child, I often heard the phrase “little pitchers have big ears”. I instinctively knew to prick my ears up, because the grown-ups were talking about things they didn’t want me to know about and using this old phrase (it refers to jugs and their handles) as code to remind each […]
Will it be Your Servant or Will You be the Slave?
I’m not talking about technology, even though the lure of a glowing screen is as addictive as sugar and can be just as deadly. I’m talking about something potentially even more insidious! I was alarmed, after a workshop I ran on life/work balance, goals and achievement, to read one participant’s comment on the feedback […]
The Power of a Single Word
A new year and a new start! A great time to set goals and make plans, but have you set too many? The problem with goal setting and planning is that we are often too optimistic about what we can actually achieve in the time available. We set too many goals! My daily […]
Start your goal setting with “The Dartboard”
Holistic goal setting is an approach that takes into account all the important areas of your life and allows you to make balance and integrity a feature of how you live. Download the exercise here: dartboard The Dartboard exercise is powerful. Take your time, work in pencil and begin to design the next year of your […]
Curious Minds Mentoring for girls in STEM
Curious Minds Mentor, Megan Sebben interviewed on ABC News Breakfast. This initiative is funded by the Australian Government and administered by the Australian Maths Trust and Australian Science Innovation. ASI is seeking mentors in DigIT, a similar program for boys and girls. If you are an enthusiastic person with an information communication technology background take […]
How to get your goals? get a mentor!
About 45% of people make New Years resolutions but only 8% of those follow-through and achieve their goals! We may or may not take New Years resolutions seriously, but if you want success and life/work balance, you do need to get good at setting and achieving goals. Motivation is very high when we’ve just […]
Oh No! Not Networking!
As a devout introvert, I used to hate networking events. I’m not good at small talk, I’m not at ease socialising with strangers and the business version of speed dating is my idea of hell. Fortunately, networking is more than events where you balance a beverage in one hand, a snack in the […]
Learning for Life
The athlete, musician or student, the disadvantaged, disabled, or ‘average’ person who excels, is one who learns that, regardless of what we are born with, or what life hands us, it is what we learn and what we do with life that counts. We are a dynamic combination of genetic endowment, environmental influences and […]