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Why You Need To Train People For Mentoring

The purpose of training is to enable mentors and mentorees to establish effective relationships. Some programs simply introduce people and leave them to “get on with it”. Occasionally, this works. But people need to know what is expected of them, how to go about it and why it is important and you need to be […]

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Michael Asks: How do I convince mentees that contacting their mentor is not ‘bothering them’?

Answer: Provide evidence from mentors that they enjoy, value and welcome contact. If mentees are told, clearly and unequivocally that contact is welcome, expected and their responsibility, they will do it. It may come as a surprise to those mentored that mentors do, in fact, get something out of mentoring. Your job is to act […]

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Donna asks: How do I ensure mentees remain committed?

Answer: Talk to them often. Two-way communication keeps people engaged. If they are ignored they easily fade away. Have personal contact with each participant as well as mass communication with all participants. Find out what’s going well and what’s not. Be there for them and provide assistance where needed. Use all available mechanisms to deliver […]

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