Answer: Select volunteers who have something personally to gain. People who opt in and believe it has value are enthusiastic about committing time. Like employee recruitment, a mentoring program needs a nomination and selection process that allows you to attract and choose the best candidates. Have a process for sensitive management of those not selected. […]
David asks: How do I get senior management buy in?
Answer: Get your Chief Executive Officer’s imprimatur. Written approval supported by words, actions and dollars. Senior managers take their direction from the top. If the CEO is on-board, and they know it, they’ll fall in line. Make sure your business case has sign-off from the CEO and that you have active support from him or […]
Gary asks: How do I make my program a success?
Answer: Thoroughly pre-plan your program Most obstacles to success can be identified and avoided with some forethought. Define “success” in terms of specific outcomes and develop a detailed plan to achieve them, Identify potential problem areas and determine how to prevent or deal with them. Decide what, how and when actions will be taken. […]
Amanda asks: How do I get the budget I need to adequately resource a mentoring program?
Thank you for your question Amanda! And it’s a good one. Answer: Create a compelling business case for mentoring. Organisations need to show a return on investment. If spending money this way will improve the bottom line, they’ll fund the program. Show sound business reasons that convince decision makers that spending this money will help […]
Support Your Mentoring Program
Coventional wisdom states that any new initiative in your organisation needs support from the top. This is certainly true for your mentoring program but top down support is not enough. You will need to gain and maintain support throughout the organisation, including: * The CEO;* Senior Executives;* Middle Managers;* Potential Mentors and Mentorees;* Supervisors of […]
Thank you for visiting this blog. Perhaps you are in an informal mentoring relationship. Maybe you are part of a structured program. Either way you will find here the opportunity to air any concerns and obtain feedback from your peers and draw on the knowledge I have gained in the last ten years of working […]