
Mentoring Works Training Videos Series 1 Purchase To Own


$3,000.00 $1,500.00

Mentoring Works founder, Ann Rolfe has distilled the essentials of mentoring into short, succinct videos.

Buy once for continuous use. We provide the html code to embed the videos on your own website so that your program participants can access them for as long as you like.

All 6 videos listed below plus 2 bonus video Mentoring Master Classes and your choice of bonus complimentary videos.

  1. What Is mentoring
  2. A Framework For Mentoring
  3. The Mentoring Conversation
  4. Good Listening
  5. Questions Are the answer
  6. Guidelines For A Great Start


Buy once for continuous use. We provide the html code to embed the videos on your own website so that your program participants can access them for as long as you like.


Mentoring Works Video Series 1


1. What Is Mentoring? (6 minutes)

Describes mentoring, its key features and uses.

2. A Framework For Mentoring (4 minutes)

Provides a solid foundation on which to build your mentoring relationship, talks about the dynamic nature of mentoring and the roles mentors fulfill

3. The Mentoring Conversation (5 minutes)

Introduces the mentoring model based on adult learning, 4 questions that make mentoring work and two communication styles that work together to make a mentoring conversation effective

4. Good Listening (6 minutes)

How the brain gets in the way of good listening, two types of listening and tips for being a better listener

5. Questions Are The Answer! (3 minutes)

The number one obstacle to an effective mentoring relationship, Kipling’s questions that teach us all we know and 3 top techniques for asking them.

6. Guidelines For A Great Start (8 minutes)

Phases in a mentoring relationship, techniques for getting started and tips to keep the ball rolling once you have.


Bonus Complimentary Videos

When you purchase any Mentoring Works video you can choose any of our 11 complimentary videos to use as well. These are useful to promote your program, attract participants and educate staff. The top rating titles are:

What Does Mentoring Offer (2 minutes, music – no narration)

Quickly outlines more than 30 benefits of mentoring.

Mentoring Much More Than a Myth (5 minutes, narrated)

Where did the word mentoring originate? How is mentoring used in the workplace?

5 Reasons Mentoring relationships Fail – an how to make sure yours doesn’t (3 minutes, music – no narration)

Common things that go wrong and the 5 steps you can take to set yourself up for success.

About Ann Rolfe

Ann Rolfe is internationally recognised as Australia's leading specialist in mentoring, and is available for speaking, training and consulting. Here Ann shares her knowledge and allows you to ask your most pressing questions about mentoring.

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