

Rest, recreation and reflection, that’s what I’m looking forward to over the next few weeks, how about you? These three “R’s” are imperative to our well-being and productivity and they ought to be a part of every day not just holidays! Here’s why …

Rest, not just sleep but physical relaxation, maybe letting someone else take care of you with a meal, a pampering massage, manicure, or pedicure, or just lazing around; mental rest, maybe meditation, listening to music, reading a novel or even some veg-out TV, can recharge your batteries and balance the busyness of a hectic lifestyle. Necessary for re-energising, rest can also stimulate the mind to spontaneously generate answers to problems, great ideas and clarity of thinking. Important and practical insight can be the result of taking the foot off the accelerator and putting the body and mind in neutral.

Recreation, leisure activities such as sport, hobbies and games that you enjoy, celebrations and social events that give you pleasure, conversations, art, nature or exercise that stimulate you and relationships that nurture you, all renew your mental, social, emotional and physical energy. Without this energy, enthusiasm wanes, challenges seem larger and life can lose is luster.

Reflection, looking back and learning, gaining perspective and considering other points of view, thinking things through, accepting your own feelings and responses, taking stock, considering what has worked well and what might be done differently, allows us to learn and grow. Counting our blessings and expressing gratitude, makes life worthwhile and points us to a positive future.

Mentoring can incorporate all of these. It can provide time out that is actually restful. It can be enjoyable and recreate energy and enthusiasm. And certainly, it is a relationship that builds reflection, meaning and positive action.

I trust you have experienced and valued these aspects of mentoring this year. If you have gained as much as I have from being and having a mentor, or having mentoring moments – those unplanned, informal conversations that create insight – you know how mentoring works!

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About Ann Rolfe

Ann Rolfe is internationally recognised as Australia's leading specialist in mentoring, and is available for speaking, training and consulting. Here Ann shares her knowledge and allows you to ask your most pressing questions about mentoring.

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